Elixir is a total and savvy diversion conveyance stage. This is the response for the designers who made the immense amusement. It’s not just about proceeding with your advancement. In any case, it could be stock for trade. Get substantially more accomplishment for yourself later on.
The crowdfunding stage LIX for recreations was considered in mid 2016 to furnish diversion designers and players with a protected, advantageous and decentralized stage and economy. Concentrating on imaginative thoughts, the stage will work to enable diversion designers to understand their amusement ideas. As computer game devotees, they see how AAA studios are starting to lose their syndication control in the business. Autonomous designers with incredible amusement ideas and inventive thoughts are for the most part held just for absence of subsidizing and support.
Settled supply: in-amusement things or uncommon collectibles.
Sustainable inventories: things that can be expended as sustenance and assets.
Cost of issuing resources: At dispatch, 2 Lix coins.
Stock Inventory: Fixed and non-settled.
Resource information: hash stockpiling, reminder ID and content information.
The primary target of LIX will be to democratize the gaming business by helping autonomous designers to free themselves from these constraints, along these lines guaranteeing that the gaming business can accomplish the estimation of assorted variety and diversion that is normal from the advanced future.
This stage ought to democratize and extraordinarily differentiate the current gaming industry.
Elixir will guarantee the best of visionaries, from youngsters beside qualified Insanely free gatherings, everybody had a comparative chance to make their fun plans to the world and get a great deal of help, in this way understanding their dream of disseminating their own specific titles. The arrangement will fundamentally be a help stage for the swarm of gaming organizations that will enable the amusing to keep running obviously in a sensible and profitable way. The arrangement won’t just give you cash for the quickest and most helpful fun on a littler scale, yet it will likewise give you a total structure and fun economy for the utilization of wholesalers, studios and free architects.
Players will have the capacity to trade weapons in recreations, mint pieces, items, accumulations, custom calfskin and alterations and different things in a decentralized commercial center and through trade wallets. The component of the amusement itself will be an advantage in blockchain. They fill in as a standard resource in blockchain, with particular esteems in-amusement portrayals as diversion resources or monetary standards that will be effectively traded in the wallet trade without the requirement for an outsider trade. Lix expects to enable players to trade components of the amusement outside the diversion condition and reality.
This will make an extra income stream for each substance kind of maker associated with the gaming business.
Route Map

Recorded on a square chain, taking an interest diversion clients can exchange resources either in-amusement or through wallet trade. The worldwide gaming business sector will achieve USD 108.9 billion comprehensively by 2017, with an expanding offer of free engineers and specialists. Cases of in-amusement resources that will be exchanged the genuine economy will be gold currencies, arrive and property, weapons, collectibles, and different things.
Open Economy and Decentralization
Players will have the capacity to recover the diversion resources in a decentralized market and through the stock handbag as their own particular amusement thing will be related with resources in blockchain. Dissimilar to some genuine economy recreations where the money is in the diversion
Can not be spent outside the amusement, LIX will permit this through the execution of a trade stage where diversion money and resources can be exchanged with any player outside the Live condition diversion.
The Gaming Market
A brisk diagram of the biggest online exchanges for gaming content incorporates $ 38,000 for Purchase characters in DOTA 2 (internet battling diversions), and the buy of a $ 635,000 dance club property at Entropia Universe. Presently, these amusement resources are made in-diversion and afterward exchanged through complex and profoundly questionable specially appointed exchanging frameworks that work through gatherings and private talks. This stopgap framework is inclined to extortion and abuse, yet at the same time ready to accomplish quick cash exchanging, extraordinary things, and client accounts. A few diversions, for example, EVE Online, are so multi-faceted and complex that designers utilize full time financial experts to guarantee the amusement remains adjusted.
- Notice easygoing non-gaming financial specialists:
From a customary speculation viewpoint, putting resources into resource diversion advancement may appear like putting resources into vaporware. Be that as it may, the fact of the matter is there is genuine cash to be made in the creation, upkeep and offer of benefit recreations, and history has indicated diversions that drive client produced content Much longer lives in this quick moving business sector.
- Exchange Wallet
Players will have the capacity to swap weapons in recreations, mint pieces, products, accumulations, custom cowhide, and alterations and different things in a decentralized market and through trade wallets. The amusement thing itself will be a benefit in the pieces. They fill in as a standard resource in the piece chain, with particular ones
The estimation of the in-amusement portrayal as a diversion or money resource will be anything but difficult to exchange on the load of the wallet without the requirement for outsider trade of administrations. LIX tries to enable players to trade diversion things outside the amusement condition and reality.
This will make an extra income stream for each sort of substance maker that takes an interest in the gaming business.
- Specification
Working the Leased Proof-Of-Stake (LPOS) calculation, the LIX system will be secured by a circulated hub organize, and in addition the client’s wallet. Caused by
The one of a kind sort of the system, will enable diversion designers to do token or resources that likewise work in view of Proof-of-Stake (POS), conceivable swelling strategies that might be required in bigger biological community recreations, for example, those on the Eve Online or Second Life scale.
Coin name: LIX Coin
Ticker: LIX
Algo: LPOS
Supply: 100,000,000
Full Nodes: 10,000
Assets made amid ICO will be held in a protected multi-signature wallet what’s more, may be discharged from accounts with 2 of 3 marks:
Originator Co
Financial specialist
15% of issued tokens put aside for group.
LIX Coin: 100,000,000
Calculation: LPOS
Token Distribution
Add up to Token: 100 Million
Held for Seed Funding: 1.2 Million
Held for ICO: 68.8 Million
Venture Reserves: 10 Million
Abundance and Referral Programs: 5 Million
Establishing Reserves: 15 Million

Plans of action
Fundamental Partner
Suppliers of substance and engineers that help the amusement group and additionally the group itself
Amusement Developer Game
Maker content
Media Content Providers
Fundamental exercises
Distribute recreations perfect with the LIX stage
Distribute LIX Games
Amusement Merchandise
Key source
DRM Content
Promoting income
Buy in amusement
Administration Subscription
Customer Segment
Supplier of interactive media content and any advancement part Developer
Distributer VR
The income stream
The typical way diversion engineers gain income is as per the following
Advertisements on Game
Pay to play
Uncommon Rare Game Items Game
Based Game
Cost Structure
The LIX undertaking will keep on publishing or build up its own particular amusement to empower the utilization of cases and advance flow.
Normal cost structure for creating average MMORPG recreations:
Character Design: USD 1200/character (plan/uv/fix/surface)
Amusement Engine: USD 120 to USD 600/
3D question framework : USD 70 to USD 120/protest (displaying/uv/surface/select)
Character outline 2D: USD 65 (plan/picture/shading)
UI: USD 1200 and USD 2400
activity: USD 70 to USD 120/movement
sound FX: USD 15/commotion
Music: USD 2700 — USD 4800/track
Programming, Level Design, Events, Gameplay: USD 120/day

For more information please visit :
my profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1835452
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