As perform banking transactions and online shopping is very convenient, more and more people learn to use the Internet for this purpose. Cyber criminals use it to steal passwords, personal data and money of buyers.
Do not trust links
If you want to visit the online Bank, online store or web site to receive payments, you must manually enter the URL, and not pass by reference. Do not pass on links in messages:
-social networks;
-in e-mail messages;
-in chat rooms;
-on the banner ads on suspicious sites;
-sent strangers.
Beware of fake contacts
A good financial institution will never send email messages requesting clients: -to send personal information via e-mail;
-to visit additional sites for authorization;
-to enter personal data in pop up window.
Check the URL
When you visit a web page on which you want to enter confidential data, carefully check whether the url of the page displayed in the browser, the page to which you intended to access. If the URL consists of random set of letters and numbers or looks suspicious, do not enter any data.
Use encryption
Whenever you want to enter sensitive data, check whether the connection is encrypted. If the connection is secure, the URL will begin with the letters https in the address bar or the status bar of the browser will display a small lock icon. Click the lock icon and carefully review the certificate information of the SSL authentication, which was issued to the site. So you can see when the certificate was issued, who issued it and for what period.
Use your computer and your Internet access
Try not to use shared computers (Internet cafes, airports, clubs, hotels, libraries, and other places) to log in to online banking or shopping online shops. These computers may be infected with spyware. If so, these malicious programs can record everything you type on the keyboard, including passwords and to intercept Internet traffic. Even if you use your own computer for financial transactions on the Internet should not connect to the Internet via a public Wi-Fi network. In a public Wi-Fi network, there is a risk of interception of traffic by a network administrator or cyber criminals with the help of network worms can be launched certain attacks.
Do not use your primary credit card or debit card
It is recommended to have a special card that will be used only for shopping on the Internet. You can also try to restrict the credit limit for “interactive credit card” or to fix a limited amount on the “interactive debit card”.
All these drawbacks will help you to eliminate the project KEYRPTO, based on blockchain technology.
Digital money has many nice benefits, low cost for transactions, security against hacking, privacy, chain blocks. But still no one suspects to use it for the e-Commerce market, as it will be beneficial to buyers and sellers. The project wants to apply this idea and build an advanced platform that allows customers to purchase goods and services for crypto-curency, as a third party in the operation.

Why you should have today to sell their products through this platform:
Users are more often started to look for goods and services onlineAccording to official data In the second quarter of 2017, the assessment of e-Commerce grew by 16.3 percent from the second quarter of 2016, while total retail sales increased by 4.4% during the same period. Total sales through electronic payment systems in 2017 amounted to 8.2 percent from total sales.
This site will be for you an additional source to attract buyers, as it will benefit many people.
It will promote you as a brand and build a funnel of potential buyers who will be able to go to your website
It will be a more secure method of making transactions between the seller and the buyer using cryptocurrency, which reduces the risk of fraud several times.
Will be implemented a more optimized search engine that takes into account as a receipt the maximum profit for the seller and make it easy for a buyer to find them funds.
Why will people use this platform:
- Here payment will be done very quickly and easily without any intermediaries that charge commissions and there is no need to enter the data of your card. Only you, the owner of the purse will be able to conduct operations
- Here are several online stores and you are given the comparison of goods and services in their prices that gives the opportunity to buy at a more reasonable price for you.
- The platform will work around the clock, it’s a very good advantage in our time
- You can easily find the product you want to buy based on size, color and available information on the availability of this product.
- To make your purchase confidential, which is sometimes very important
More information you can find on these links.
Website: http://keyrpto.com/
Whitepapper: http://keyrpto.com/Home/Download
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KeyrptoOfficial
my profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1835452
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