In this overpopulated platform, Indie developers do not have the budget to compete with the giant companies. The cost of design and marketing campaigns required to launch successful games often deters developers from continuing their vision; Ideas fail regardless of their reward.
While gamers may not struggle to find games to play, their role in the market is not appreciated. Companies rely on players for beta testing, customer acquisition, and game curation. However, they rarely share gifts beyond the in-app improvements or early access to the anticipated content. And while users are obvious audiences for games, their desires are rarely seen in the blueprint development stage; the company designed the game concept without feedback from the ground floor of their future player base. This leads to unwanted creations and frustrating features.
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is a very ingenious invention that practically revolutionized the global business market. Evolution brings with it greater good, not only for the company, but also for the beneficiaries. But because it is a revelation to the world, the vision of its operational activities remains unclear. The most important question in everyone's mind is: what is Blockchain?
To begin with, Blockchain technology serves as a platform that allows transiting digital information without the risk of being copied. In a sense, it laid the foundation for a strong backbone of this new type of internet space. Originally designed to deal with Bitcoin - in an attempt to teach laypeople about algorithmic functions, hash functions, and digital signature properties, today's technicians are discovering other uses of this immaculate discovery that can pave the way for the start of a whole new business process in the world .
Blockchain, to define in every way, is a kind of algorithm and data distribution structure for ATM management without centralized management intervention, programmed to record all financial transactions, as well as anything of value.
Blockchain operation
Blockchain can be understood as a Distributed Distributger technology, which was originally designed to support cryptomoeda Bitcoin. But after strong criticism and resistance, the technology has been revised for use in more productive matters.
To get a clear idea, imagine a spreadsheet that has been increased many times in a large number of computer systems. And then imagine that this network is designed to update this worksheet from time to time. That's exactly what a blockchain is.
Information stored in a blockchain is a shared worksheet whose data is tuned from time to time. This is a practical way of talking about many real benefits. To be with them, blockchain data does not exist in one place. This means that everything stored there is open to the public and verified. In addition, there is no centralized information storage platform that can damage the hacker. This approaches nearly a million computer systems side by side and your data can be viewed by anyone with an internet connection.
Sustainability and authenticity of Blockchain
Blockchain technology is something that minimizes internet space. It is elegant and powerful. Like providing data to the general public through the World Wide Web, authentic block of information is stored on a blockchain platform, which looks identically across all networks.
It is important to note that blockchain can not be managed by one person, entity or identity and has no chance of failure. Just as the Internet has proven to be a sustainable space in the last 30 years, blockchain will also serve as an authentic and reliable global scene for business transactions while it continues to grow.
Transparency and irreducible nature
The veterans of the industry say that blockchain lives in a conscious state. It checks from time to time practically. This is similar to a self-monitoring technology in which your network unifies all transactions known as blocking that occur periodically.
This raises two important blockchain properties: very transparent and can not be damaged at the same time. Every transaction that takes place on this server is built into the network, so everything remains visible to the public. In addition, editing or omitting information about blockchain requires a large amount of effort and strong computing power. Fraud can be easily identified in the middle of this. That is why it is called imperishable.
Blockchain user
There are no clear rules or rules about who should or can use this immaculate technology. Although potential users are currently only banks, commercial giants and world economies, this technology is also open to daily transactions from the general public. The only drawchain blockchain we face is global acceptance.
Introduction of Loot Game Network
A $ 7 million social platform built in blockchain, with games organized and handled by the community. And supported by a game development partner whose creation has garnered more than 100 million downloads
Decentralized publications
This platform makes game publishing an integrated crowdfunding portal. Independent designers send their game idea to a catalog on that screen. Your proposal page can contain screen shots, demos, or game scenes. Users offer fun cards to sponsor promising projects. In return for their crypto coins, the sponsors receive a revenue-generating percentage of the next title. A decentralized collective produces the game through democratic demands.
Earn recurring income
When crowdfunding creations are done, they generate revenue for developers and sponsors. Independent artists reduce costs and players earn money from games they have designed. Imagine you have the next global percentage of blows in the industry.
user-hardened games and decentralized publications
Smart contract award
An open book follows user engagement on the platform. From design to gaming, no digital victories are appreciated.
Tournament Game
Sweeping brow contests, usually reserved for professionals, become accessible to everyone. Champions of the tournament receive on request Loot or electronic pool.
recurring income for designers and players
Encryption ecosystem
Loot Token acts as a gateway to all gift functions on the platform. With Loot, users can enter live tournaments, generate recurring income through crowdfunding games, purchase in-game incentives, bid on online auctions, earn additional revenue, and ultimately download games created specifically for the platform. Views will grow, fed by large in-app utilities.

Token sales structure Token token sales
will use soft and hard caps with anti-dilution mechanisms available to those who contribute under soft caps. This means that the initial sales limit (STC or soft receipt) is set for both private and public sales. However, if STC is complete, Game Loot Network ™ allows the sale of additional characters to reach your MST or Hard Tape Cap.
Buyers who have made a contribution in accordance with STC will receive LOOT bonus proportionally to their contribution under STC (bonus Anti-Discharge). This is done to provide an initial guarantee to LOOT buyers for their input.
STC is $ 50,000,020.00 and MSTC is $ 75,000,030.00.
Token Name LOOT
the parent company of GLN Holdings, INC. (WY, USA)
JUICE Company Loot Cove Co., LLC. (WY, US)
Public Token Loot Coot Co., Ltd. Sales (Mauritius)
Price spoils $ 0.35 USD [or equivalent to them in] Target
Target Sales CAP (STC) US $ 50,000,000.00
Maximum Sales (MST) US $ Rp75,000,000.00
Total 600 Million Loot Loot Delivery
Fixed CAP Model Delivery Marks, inflation is not
at a public auction May 29, 2018 public auction is open
duration 230 days
USD Bonus Offer Distribution Type Equivalent to $ 5mm CAP SOC Private Sale (1) 66.67% Discount Buy one, ~ 2.00 Free 1 March 2018 and 15 April 2018 (46 days) 10% from $ 15mm Personal Sales Dept STC on (2 50.00% Buy 1, -1.00 Free 16 April 2018 to 3 May 2018 (18 days) 30% STC $ 30 mm SOC Private Sale (3) 25.00% Buy 1 ~ 0.33 Internet 04 May , 2018 to May 21, 2018 (18 days) 60% of STC
Bonus Type Equivalent Time Available Public Auction (1) Buy 1, Get Free 0.25 May 29, 2018 0:00 UTC for 2 Public Auction Days (2) Buy 1, Get Free ~ 0.17 31 May 2018 0:00 UTC during 4 Days on Public Sale (3) B UY 1 get free 0.11 ~ 4 June 2018 0:00 UTC for public sale 6 days (4) Buy 1, Get Free 0,05 ~ 10 Jun 2018 0:00 UTC for 8 (5 days) (5) No discount June 18, 2018 UTC 0:00 in 10 days break June 28, 2018 to July 11, 2018 (14 days) Type Period Price Period Blank Sale Period 290 000 LOOT per day + invalid time symbol of sale public is divided into equal parts between 200 times a day. Daily sales hours up to 20 hours daily from 00:00 UTC to 8:00 UTC, with distribution of symbolic residuals. Market Findings July 12, 2018-28.
Token releases date / buyer eq. USD CUMM. July 6, 2018 300,000 United States Dollar $ 105,000 on August 6, 2018 600,000 US Dollars $ 210,000 US $ 315,000 on September 6, 2018 1.200.000 Patrol US $ 420,000 US $ 735 million 6 November 2018 2, 400,000 US $ 840,000 US $ 1575 MM December 6, 2018 US $ 1.68 US $ 3,255MM January 6, 2019 19,200,000 Loot US $ 3.36 MM US $ 6,615MM 06 February 2019 38, 400, US $ US Looting 6.72MM US $ 13,355MM March 6, 2019 Loan Balance US $ 13.44 MM US $ 26,775 MM I
8.1 Distribution of objective income: COMMERCIALIZATION - Sales - Marketing - General Education - Establishment of Lawyers, Consultants, Service Providers, Taxation Operations 55% 20% 15% 10% of sales revenue is largely consumed in operating costs, service maintenance and token development. Loot Network ™ games have part of their tax planning for new corporate structures, overseas Payroll Tax Officers, and the like. Expect SAFT's contribution will be used primarily for marketing, community development, training, development and sales. Some funds will be withheld to pay premiums to founders, consultants, service providers, and service providers, the number of token sales. This distribution will be in USD, BTC, or ETH.
Storage and seizure of risk Alerts can be stored in a wallet or in a safe, accessible only with passwords chosen by the buyer. The wallet will contain the private key needed to manage the stored LOOT. Losing a private key associated with a digital wallet or storage dome will cause a loss of booty loot. Users are encouraged to save their passwords in one or more backup locations. Any third party who gains access to the buyer's private key can access his LOOT. Users should be careful not to respond to LOOT purchase requests. Buying LOOT can only be done by someone or organization who has sufficient experience with the use and sophistication of cryptographic symbols such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH). The buyer must have a working understanding of the storage and transmission mechanisms associated with other cryptographic characters. While Game Loot Network ™ may be available during and after the sale of LOOT, GLN makes no suggestions and is not responsible for any loss of BTC, ETH, LOOT or Fiat as a result of minor or missed actions.
my profile:;u=1835452
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