Today, rapidly developing technology continuously creates innovation solutions for the whole world in order to improve the quality of life. The most widely used technology is the Internet whose function is to exchange information between users. The Internet can be a place for you to bring all your inspiration. And as we know now all things can be accessed by internet. Therefore, people can not escape the needs of the internet.
From there there is innovation, Internet platform or rather Wi-fi network but the payment system using the crypto financial platform is Wi-fi Global. Wi-fi Global is a decent and decent decentralized Wifi network. The Wi-Fi Global project will expand the global reach of the Internet and give users free access to Wi-Fi networks.
The Global Wi-Fi project is a platform for individual users connected to the internet via Wi-Fi and advertisers who want to show ads to them. The Big Data technology collects and analyzes non-personalized user activity data that allows advertisers to show the most accurate ads that will have high conversions.
Modern internet sources, for example, search engines or social networks, allow targeting of ads in some ways, but the parameters for such targeting are very limited, and such advertising costs are quite high. By using joint contracts transactions between producers among participants in a fast and cheap process, providing collective credentials to the parties thanks to intelligent contracts and providing completely reliable and transparent information about their advertising campaigns. So, Wi-Fi Global creates decentralized Wi-Fi networks around the world through community efforts, and all participants in this network can contribute proportionately to their development.
By using the global Wi-fi platform All information is stored in lockers and updated regularly. This data can not be lost or falsified.Blockchain has become the whole system of links. Each transaction is served by agreement. Where the deal plays the role of advertising agency. This is necessary to ensure that both parties are confident that the advertising budget will reach its destination and be converted into the number of impressions planned.
Token Global Wi-Fi:
Wi-fi Global uses blockchain etchal technology type ERC20 with WT symbol. To get token from Wi-fi Global you can follow Token Token Token Token Token
token price: 1WT = 0.3 $
Number of tokens: 150,000,000 WT
Distribution Token:
70%: for ICO
10%: for team and founder
5%: for advisor
10%: for progaram bounty
5%: for Pre-ICO Sales token At the time of turnover will be issued 100,000,000 WT. The token fee on ICO will be 0.3 $. Going forward, prices will depend on Global Wi-Fi penetration into the advertising market: from the volume of markets shaped by the project. The more penetration to the advertising market, the higher the token price. As for the initial calculation of token cost Data for calculation: Total advertising market per year: $ 494 billion Average ad cost: $ 0.025 Number of tokens on the market: 100,000,000 GFI.
According to preliminary calculations, if the market penetration rate is 0.03, the token value will be $ 1.48
$ 494,000,000,000 X 0.03% = $ 148,200,000 (market volume).
$ 148,200,000 / $ 0.025 = 5,928,000,000 (number of ad impressions on the market).
$ 148.200.000 / 100.000.000 tokens = $ 1.48
Tim Wifi-Global :
Alex Litman: Founder & COO
Bohdan Kozhevnikov: Director of Fonder & Finance
Sergey Serov: Lead Developer
Eugene Port: Lead Engineer
Aleksey Zizhko: Commercial Director
Andreas Galuzor: Marketing & Public Relations
Zlata Koydan: Marketing & Public Relations
Yan Kraskovsky: Community Manager
for more details please visit the link below:
website : https://wi-fi.global/
twitter : https://twitter.com/WiFi_Global
telegram : https://t.me/wifi_global
my profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1835452
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