Senin, 24 Agustus 2020

Why I'm Writing iBid

 Welcome to iBid Global., Image # 1

The platform helps bring together buyers and auctioneers without using distribution channels or middlemen. 

The Online Auction Platform is intended to sell goods to increase growth and development. Many products can be bought better and are highly efficient. The Online Auction Platform helps bring together buyers and auctioneers without using distribution channels or middlemen.  

 Since the beginning of the auction era in the global market, the demand for online auction platforms has increased rapidly. Due to the high demand for online Auction platforms in the global market, Many people have been ripped off, cheated, cheated, or went bankrupt. Some are victims of fraud. There is no standard platform yet on which auctioneers and buyers can trust 100%.   

But the good news is here -  iBid  ; iBid not only identifies problems, requirements and requests, but also manages to formulate profitable solutions to ongoing problems. iBid has identified innovative solutions to most of the fast growing global trust problems in today's auction market.    

With the development of blockchain technology, iBid decided to change the world of the online auction platform to ensure that it can undergo a significant change. iBid joins Blockchain to bring complete transparency and reliability to the bidding and auction process.   


iBid  is a  decentralized Blockchain Auction platform  that offers great benefits to buyers and auctioneers. There is no risk involved as iBid uses blockchain technology to take advantage of all transactions on its website. iBid also ensures fairness and transparency of all transactions by enabling all parties participating in the auction to oversee the auction process.   

iBid simplifies the process of purchasing any product by offering multiple offering options and simplifying the entire process of buying and shipping any product of your choice. iBid makes use of bid packages to bid on. The bid package is what you need to buy to start bidding. Due to the iBid pay to play operating model, you will need to purchase a bid pack before you can take part in any auction.   

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How Does iBid Make Money?


The revenue model has two parts iBid works by generating huge revenue from bids purchased from packages by users, from the platform to participating in auctions in various stacks. Along with encouraging repeat bid purchases. The winner will not pay for the product. In addition, iBid also gets it from sponsors who want to promote their goods.


What is the iBid auction floor?


The IBID auction floor is an e-commerce platform (E-commerce) Singapore 4.0 will be launched in early June 2020. It will be like Ebay or Amazon, or like Shopee or Lazada in Vietnam


It aspires to create a global database of transactions and services. With almost zero transaction fees worldwide. The common currency will be the main payment currency in this ecosystem. And they aim to become a major platform in the field of decentralized applications (DApps), such as Ethereum and Cardano.

IBid auction mission



  • Bargain to get your favorite items at super cheap prices by bidding on the iBid platform.
  • Build a platform for phased real-time blockchain auctions.
  • iBid - Decentralized blockchain auctions will change the bidding process, to be fair and transparent as bidders can also monitor the auction process.



  • Users on the iBid platform are not charged any fees.
  • Full ownership of private databases in the iBid ecosystem
  • Profit sharing model from the company.
  • Providing quality services and products is not for profit



Ticker: iBid Token Price: 1 iBid = 1 USDT Total supply: 100,000,000 Token role: Utility

IBid tokens are used on the Ethereum Blockchain. Mainnetis will be launched on 06/2021 and iBidtoken will be converted into iBid coins used in iBidecosystem.

iBid will be generated over 10 years, with 16% generated in the first year, 29% in 4 years, and 61% in 5 years. A total of 100,000,000 (one hundred million) iBidcoin will be generated. iBidspent on the network will be redistributed to iBidholder. Tokens 100% will be airdropped to the community.



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Voting enables a list of DApps, products and services in the iBid ecosystem. You have the right to decide which iBid will sponsor and reject the project.

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Exchange rates in the iBid ecosystem. Creating and maintaining an internal and individual economy is one of the most important tasks of an IBID token

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The iBid token is used as a fee gateway for you to use certain functions of an ecosystem.



https: // testflight.

name Maikel30


ETH  0xE9a0031468Ba28f1791ce0369C7C82a5d2c2e930

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2020




Our aim is to encourage world-wide adoption of stablecoins, DeFi, CBDCs and to help unbanked, young people to gain access to swift and a safe, cheap OpenFinance. We are supporting all projects that working on such developments and focusing on clients acquisition and infrastructure. Corion Foundation is here to create a common platform for such projects, as their mainstream adoption is our main target. We are determined to make this new digital money usage available for most e-wallets and finance, hence making them accessible for more and more regions.

CorionX as an utility token stands for the adoption, usage and spreading of stablecoins, CBDCs, Openfiance, Crypto and DeFi solutions. Introducing them to the world and supports the collaboration of the community. CorionX creates the one platform for stablecoins and leads the #MoneyInTheRightDirection Movement to succeed in the paradigm shift and using crypto as a digital and programmable money. CorionX is the “gas” for a stablecoin and crypto infrastructures. CorionX provides benefits in usage and trading of stablecoins and DeFi cryptos to its users. Acquire, Stake, Use!


CorionX creates the framework for education, expansion and promotion for usage of stablecoins, CBDCs and DeFi globally.

Corion X brings different stablecoin and DeFi projects, service providers and community members together, introducing them to the world and supports the building of a global stablecoin user community

CorionX leads the #MoneyAndTheRightDirection Stablecoin Movement to succeed in the paradigm shift and using stable crypto in the everyday life. CorionX holders get benefits and special access to participate in the movement’s campaign programs

CorionX token holders are entitled to be rewarded 2.5% quarterly (10.38% p.a.) in the Loyalty Staking Program in the next 2 years.

Service providers and merchants accepting stablecoins will be motivated to use CorionX promotions and cashbacks to encourage stablecoin payments, usage within their network.

Technical Info

CorionX is a blockchain-based ERC20 (Ethereum Request for Comment 20) utility token

ERC20 token transfers are fast, cheap, secure, and supported by a big number of professional ETH developers

CorionX utility token can be stored easily in your ETH wallet, where all ERC20 tokens are supported. The Foundation will introduce partner wallets to get benefits for CorionX users

Full name: CorionX utility token

Short name: CORX

CorionX token total supply: maximum000.000 (four hundred million), non-renewable

Decimal: 8

Contract address: 0x26a604DFFE3ddaB3BEE816097F81d3C4a2A4CF97



Emission value: $0.015

Market price is based on supply and demand

CorionX is NOT a stablecoin, but an utility token, there is no price stability method behind the tokens





Rabu, 12 Agustus 2020

ASLA The BlockChain In A New Way

 ASLA is a project based on smart-contracts and blockchain systems with functional decentralized sphere for investments and earnings.Image for post

ASLA is one of the best project based on blockchain. Because it is working on multiple products. In this article i will be describing about products of ASLA.

Products of ASLA :

  1. ASLAGames
  2. ASLATrade
  3. ASLAdex
  4. ASLAmessenger

#blockchain #exchange #ASLA #ASLAgame #ASLAtrade #poloniex #cryptocurrency #tokens #binance #yobit #trading #gaming #crypto

  1. ASLAGames : Gaming-Industry is one of the biggest industry out there. it’s revenue is in billions of dollars. Many of us have thought of playing games and making money at the same time. ASLA provides this opportunity of playing games and also helps us to earn money as well. ASLAproject gives an opportunity to all fans of computer games to earn cryptocurrency thanks to ASLAgames. ASLAgames is one of the favorite games created on the basis of blockchain and smart contracts.

2. ASLATrade : ASLA’s Trading Platform is very simple and clear. ASLAtrade has functionality for professionals and it is simple and intuitive for beginners. All necessary information is presented in the ASLA’S Website.

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ASLA’s Trading Platform

ASLAtrade is based on blockchain and smart contracts. This is primarily clear trading and unconditional data protection. One of the advantages of binary contracts is simplicity. Just click on the “higher” or “lower” button and wait for the result. The risks are known in advance. The outcome of the bet depends on the correctness of the prediction of price changes for the selected asset.

3. ASLAdex : ASLAdex is decentralized exchange for digital cryptocurrency trading, that combines the speed and security of the blockchain system. ASLAdex is also a convenient way to trade without corruption and fraud. Because it provides high security to digital assets.

4. ASLAMessanger : Blockchain has given the world safe and effective ways of doing business. Most messengers store data in a centralized database. This database is viewed and monitored. Where as ASLAmessenger avoids these risks because it does not have centralized 


Download and install on your mobile device☝️













Ann Thread:


Author; Maikel30

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Senin, 10 Agustus 2020

Radix DLT - Decentralized finance

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Radix DLT makes a decentralized cash understanding that gives consistent access, liquidity, and programmability to each bit of leeway on earth. In a critical advancement accomplishment a year prior, the Radix bunch crushed the key test of DeFi adaptability, coming to more than 1 million trades each second with their development, throughput multiple times the NASDAQ at its top. The gathering is at present centered around concluding their show, completely anticipating their fundamental net dispatch.
Radix has two layers: the Radix Engine and in this way the Radix Ledger. The system behind Radix is ​​that the application layer for Radix is ​​the part that creators have a legitimate association with. In spite of the fact that it is hypothetically practically identical to a virtual machine gave by sharp arrangement stages, for example, Ethereum or Hyperledger, the Radix Engine can change its look and feel from the standard savvy contract improvements.
The Radix Engine makes it conceivable to rapidly and flawlessly make applications and business situations that exploit the genuine advantages of DLT, yet it takes some mental dabbling. This blog entry uncovers another procedure for building DLT-based applications with Radix, with substantially less multifaceted nature.

Today Radix DLT is gradually striving for growth. Very soon Radix token turns into a coin that will be willing to buy on exchanges.The project is being effectively developed and expanded by new entertainment services. Our team prepares video records, support manuals and online chats with direct round-the-clock dialogs.Become a member of Radix DLT project today. Follow us on social media and messengers. We'll develop this crypto dream together.Radix DLT uses the latest standards of digital wallet management and provide our users with an intuitive layout, powerful and lightning-fast features, and maximum security of funds.Radix this is a reliable project with excellent characteristics and a unique idea. This is a great project. I appreciate this very much. I am very hopeful for the success.

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The advent of bitcoin, distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) and smart contract platforms have fueled a new era of living research on consensus protocols. Recent developments in the Bitcoin-style Nakamoto consensus, PBFT-like consensus, randomized consensus and others represent advances in fundamental consensus approaches that have various trade-offs in guarantees they can provide to users. Cerberus's progress in parallelizing consensus is based on the Byzantine leadership fault tolerance (BFT) consensus approach.

DeFi spoke to administrative unbundling regarding money that can be sewn together through the open convention of shared decentralization, if the web is a data uprising, this is the advantage of upheaval. In the end, this development will largely be invisible to ordinary buyers, who will only benefit faster, more responsive and significantly more proficient in monetary administration with better returns.

What are the Benefits of Decentralized Finance?

Decentralized money uses three main standards from the Ethereum blockchain to unlock liquidity and development, enhance monetary security and candor, and support an integrated and normalized financial framework.

Programmability: Smart deals that can be programmed extraordinarily, mechanize the implementation and empower the production of instruments related to new money and sophisticated resources.
Immutability: Sealed information coordination over blockchain decentralized design expands security and auditability.
Interoperability: The Ethereum composite programming stack ensures that the DeFi conventions and applications work to coordinate and complement each other.
The current decentralized money application is based on conventions that are not intended to address the problems and administrative requirements of DeFi. Radix makes use of our important innovation developments to become the main layer 1 convention that explicitly works to serve the fast-growing DeFi industry. Our latest form from Radix Economics is far more difficult than the previous version. Although we accept everything that stable decentralized storage that has significant value to the world is very important, we listen to your criticism carefully. We briefly looked at the various things we needed to convey to make this innovation successful for the world and concluded that the main symbol that triggers Radix to organize should not be a proper token for the system to work.

London-based Radix is building a money decentralization convention (DeFi) which is intended to provide frictionless access, liquidity and programmability for every benefit on the planet. Erosion in our worldwide budget framework currently costs partners $ 71 billion every year. Rapid ascent DeFi offers options that contrast with the norm through a creative and versatile structure.

At Radix we are building a decentralized open record that has the speed and adaptability to be truly global and open to everyone. We focus on guaranteeing full open control of the system and have effectively released our code, sharing updates as they are made on the go.

Radix DLT is building a decentralized money convention that provides unrestricted access, liquidity, and programmability for all benefits on the planet. In achieving a significant innovation a year ago, the Radix group defeated the main issue of DeFi's flexibility by reaching more than 1 million exchanges every second with their innovation, throughput more than 5x higher than NASDAQ at its peak. The group is currently centered around refining the convention to fully expect the principle of clean shipments.

Radix is made of two layers: the Radix Engine and the Radix Ledger. Radix Engine is an application layer for Radix parts that designers communicate lawfully. While comparable in ideas to virtual machines given by sharp agreement stages such as Ethereum or Hyperledger, the Radix Engine is a change in view of the increase in conventional smart contracts.


The Radix engine makes it possible to quickly and without doubt create business applications and frameworks that exploit the original advantages of DLT, but that rather requires psychological steps. This blog post reveals another strategy for building DLT-based applications with Radix, with far less complexity.

The Radix engine allows designers to easily plan business resources for pre-assembled Radix components. Radix provides (and continues to create) a variety of segments that can be adjusted to allow designers to characterize resources that coordinate the needs of the original world value-based framework. This structure's square style segment is merged into the Radix Engine Library which runs inside Radix Engine on Radix arranging nodes.

The asset-oriented way of the Radix Engine to handle improved DLT applications has various advantages.

Development is very unraveling: Designers can concentrate on demonstrating the implementation of business procedures that must be implemented, as opposed to building them without preparation in universally useful programming languages.
The next value-based: framework is a spring of truth that is safer by default. Proper implementation of business processes is included in the sense that local resources are not an element of prudence in terms of checking intelligent agreement codes. The right action on our profits can be imagined, therefore the accuracy of the fountain of truth is ensured by DLT.
DLT applications are increasingly compatible: Because usability is communicated to the extent that resources model the things the business thinks, new uses can be instinctively made from current resources without changing the brilliant black box of agreement. The capacity to build unexpected usability with existing parts is extraordinary and will be discussed further in the next post.

Cerberus solves the problem of state machine replication (SMR) fault-tolerant distribution of states across many nodes. Cerberus is built on a BFT-style consensus while retaining the two main properties of BFT:

  1. Safety when asynchronous, survivability when synchronous
  2. Preference for consistency by availability (that is, safety by liveness during periods of asynchrony)
    We also make the following general BFT assumptions in our base model. While we make these assumptions in order to describe a simple form of the Cerberus model, some of these restrictions can be removed in practical implementation (in particular, a set of static nodes). We discuss some of these in the Implementation section of this document.
  • Static, world famous set of nodes
  • Partial synchronicity (i.e. after some global stabilization time there is an unknown border within which all messages arrive)
  • 2f + 1 nodes follow the protocol, where f is the number of Byzantine nodes (per shard in Cerberus case)
  • Attackers who are computationally incapable of breaking standard cryptography primitives
  • Having a practical threshold signature method for aggregating votes from nodes
  • Communication between the correct nodes is peer-to-peer, authenticated and reliable
    In classic BFT, the client command log is ordered globally so that the correct nodes can agree on the final state. Performance improvements have traditionally been based on "vertical" scaling, or "pushing more commands down." one pipe ".
    In practice, applications usually do not require a global ordering of all commands; they only require ordering of commands that are interdependent. Cerberus needs an application layer that defines dependencies so that it can implement partial ordering, only ordering commands that are linked. The Shards of Cerberus represent this dependency relationship between teams. Commands that do not share a partial ordering relationship do not share shards either, and can be safely executed in parallel.

More information about this project you can see the link below:



The BONKMland Group Can Allocate BONKM Tokens to Any Platform

  Introduction ‘BONKM’ stands for the digital token BONKMILLON, which is used on the Solana. No monetary gains, interest, dividends, or retu...