Advertising today is one of the main tools to promote brands, various products and services of companies, enterprises, events. Various platforms are used in the form of social networks, video hosting, pop and business stars and capitalization reaches several trillion dollars.
Customers still have no choice to cooperate with centralized sites, which themselves take payment for the work and in addition there are Bank and electronic payment systems in the form of intermediaries. As a result of intermediate operations, content creators receive 30-40% of the possible amount, and also do not have the opportunity and access to a full report on how the work is done, bots can participate in viewing, this reduces feedback and earnings.
There are only large companies that monopolize this area, can use the personal data of users and sell them to third parties, this causes distrust, fear of losing important passwords and information. Therefore, a new method of buying and selling advertising is required.
And to solve this issue and eliminate many shortcomings of centralized platforms is taken by the american company ATAYEN, Inc, which is engaged in the development of applications for well-known social networks.

Their main goal is to implement interaction between customers and advertising platforms (e.g. social networks) using a smart token called SaTT. If today advertising contracts are concluded with the help of real people, what is spent time on the road, additional funds, paper procedures, then this platform with the help of smart contracts and tokens accelerates the process several times, instantly records all the actions in the general register.
This project will allow to receive full reporting and visibility of the work done at any time, will exclude the possibility of viewing products by bots, will increase the audience for businesses, shops several times, as more than 4 million users are already using applications of this company.

I think users will be happy with a variety of options for placing their advertising in the top social networks, through well-known bloggers, brand sites, popular media, since they will not need to put trust in the first place in cooperation, this issue is already immediately solved by a smart contract and is paid for with a token quickly.
It is a more reasonable choice to determine the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns from a team with extensive experience. There are several payment options for a click, for an active action, for impressions, for the result, all this is stipulated in the contract and is performed.
Token Sale

Official resources of the project SaTT: