Minggu, 29 November 2020



What is CryptoEmporium

Emporium. Finance is a Liquidity Mining Platform that will run for a time of about two months beginning 26/11/20. The expectation is to appropriate the CEFI token equally and reasonably by permitting clients to give liquidity and procure rewards through 9 explicitly picked liquidity pools. They will be running no pre-deal or private deal occasion that favors whales or enormous speculators that figure out how to get into the task early and dump their tokens sometime in the future. It is open to all and offers members the chance of high APY in tokens and CEFI tokens for the length of the program.

During this time of about two months, only 150,960 tokens will be stamped from the all-out flexibly of 888,000. Of these 150,960, 88,000 will be circulated to yield ranchers on the Emporium. Finance dashboard through a straight week by week emanation plan. This week by week emanation timetable ought to shield the coin from expansion and guarantee token value remains consistent and ascends after some time.

Emporium. Finance is a cutting edge liquidity mining program that is running for about two months beginning 26/11/2020. This stage permits 'Yield Farmers' to acquire compensations with their digital money possessions utilizing permissionless liquidity conventions.

Emporium. Finance has 9 explicitly picked liquidity pools, these are essentially savvy gets that contain reserves. As a trade-off for clients giving liquidity to a pool, they get rewards. These prizes come as ERC20 tokens and CEFI tokens. In straightforward terms, it implies securing digital currencies and picking up remunerations.

Be that as it may, what makes Emporium. Is finance extraordinary?

The world's first Crypto-Only extravagance emporium. Dispatched in February 2018 contribution an abundance of very good quality things accessible for buy-in Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Verge, and Decred. From vehicles, yachts, and property to watches and abroad and reasonable hardware office. Crypto Emporium utilizes industry contacts and worldwide economic alliance to look for just the highest-caliber of items at serious costs. We accept that with the end goal for cryptographic forms of money to thrive, we have to see true utilize instances of advanced cash.

Crypto Emporium endeavors to address that need. By offering a substantial arrangement whereby holders of digital money can trade their coins for unmistakable actual merchandise and speculations. The advantages of blockchain and borderless cryptographic money moves are various, it permits assets to be moved overall essentially quickly and without causing broad exchange charges. This permits Crypto Emporium to work a really Worldwide exchanging activity.


Shopping Advantages

There are a few preferences in the event that you shop at Cryptoemporium extremely quick exchanges, quick conveyance of merchandise, and additionally intriguing is there are numerous perspectives and appealing offers. better plans, and more unique and well-known items around the globe offering a more reasonable and more extensive scope of items through crypto exchanging stores excellent items at significant digital currency costs

At the present time, there are countless individuals who shop routinely and lean toward not leaving the space to search for all their family requires and needs or individual necessities. On the off chance that you need to find out about Cryptoemporium or Cryptoemporium, you might have the option to straightforwardly visit the official site at https://cryptoemporium.eu/

Website Overview

Website Link: https://cryptoemporium.eu/


The P2P Marketplace

It very well may be contended that no organization or business would actually conceivably challenge the market predominance of Amazon and eBay, that was before blockchain innovation and digital currencies went along. This energizing new innovation offers us an occasion to totally reconsider how online commercial centers work.

A Peer-to-Peer Marketplace interfaces individuals that have an item or administration with individuals that need that item or administration, for this situation, utilizing cryptographic money. The presentation of digital currency implies that we would now be able to go into these exchanges while never requiring an outsider monetary foundation, this permits us to free this administration up to over 125+ nations. Cross-Border exchange is one of the numerous things cryptographic money does so well, offering close to prompt and ease moves between two individuals on inverse sides of the world, with no concern of chargeback misrepresentation or bombed installments.

The mission is to make a blockchain-empowered economy by engaging shippers, all things considered, to embrace web-based business through computerized cash without the requirement for cutting edge specialized information. By joining the highlights of significant internet business stages with the advantages of digital money. They plan to manufacture the most far-reaching, straightforward, and adaptable commercial center on the planet.


Governance Rewards

Crypto Emporium expects to reclassify reliability investment programs with the presentation of the Governance Rewards program. This module is the thing that truly separates the business from some other stage. It is pointed toward remunerating stage members: the two purchasers and dealers for activities and action on the Peer-to-Peer Marketplace.

This decentralized and mechanized model makes a self-administering and opposition oversaw stage whereby clients can cast a ballot and choose key stage business choice, take an interest in contest dealing with and self to arrange around stage the board. This engages clients in a manner not seen previously.

In 1793 a nearby dealer needed to drive more traffic to his business by remunerating his benefactors for their faithfulness. After a few different endeavors, he concocted giving copper tokens to his clients, which they could acquire and reclaim for things in his store. Be that as it may, current steadfastness rewards frameworks are amazingly wasteful and underutilized. With the making of public blockchain innovation, we have the ability to upset, change and change the dependability market industry and purchaser propensities worldwide by reexamining the prizes market and setting the force in the possession of buyers.

We are venturing into another time of worldwide decentralization, and it is just legitimate that we apply these ideas to Loyalty Rewards frameworks. By making an adaptable focuses framework, Crypto Emporium permits its individuals to exchange with one another, utilization their 'highlights' straightforwardly to buy items, exchange with different organizations and even sell their steadfastness focuses for money. Effectively spendable, effectively adaptable, and effectively tradable. Step in, CEFI Token.


Token Info
During the 8 weeks Liquidity Mining Program, Emporium. Finance will only provide 150,960 CEFI tokens out of their total supply of 888,000. This amount will be divided and distributed weekly in the following amounts.




More Information




Bitcointalk ANN:










In recent years we have often heard the term Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), which is an activity where a platform can raise funds by selling their tokens to the public. With this, everyone can fund the operation and development of their platform.

But the reality is not that easy. In developing a platform to be successful in the market, it takes persistence and a good ecosystem to support the platform so that it can grow and reach more people, and not everyone can get a good ecosystem to develop their platform, sometimes problems such as lack of relationships, good workers, and financial problems make a platform can only last for a short time. This is the problem the Ideaology platform will solve — a platform that enables people to connect to an ecosystem built for developers and community.

Making The Connection Between Developers and Community
Imagine when someone has an idea to develop something and starts planning to build a platform, but he lacks financial and relational support. Surely he will not be able to develop the idea, even though it is a very good idea and can develop if it gets support from the right parties.

This is what Ideaology aims to achieve, to become a platform that can connect developers with the community. Ideaology solutions allow a platform to grow and get support from various parties. If likened, Ideaology is like a platform that allows Bloomberg to meet LinkedIn, FreePic, and Kickstarter, all on a single BlockChain platform. Ideaology combines 3 important elements in developing a platform, namely Blockchain technology, a Blockchain Launchpad and, Ideaology project founding. With these three elements, a platform is expected to develop and be successful.

Launchpad Platform

Ideaology provides a platform that allows people to launch their startup, namely the Ideaology Launchpad Platform. This allows businesses to get the opportunity to connect directly to potential investors and the community.

Here the community will sort out which projects have the potential to be developed and have the opportunity to be successful in the market. And once it is determined the community will provide their support with IDEA tokens which can be redeemed for funding, and in return, the community will earn a percentage of equity shares.

Here, Ideaology will not force developers to tokenize their ideas, but on the contrary, Ideaology allows developers to tokenize their equity shares. With this, a project can be available globally and allows them to collaborate with many potential people.

Ideaology Solutions

A platform that allows developers to connect with many potential people. Platforms where talented professionals meeting and cooperating, along with investors who will support their platforms and communicate and collaborate to create successful projects. This is an ecosystem created for projects, ensuring that they are safe and secure on the platform Ideaology, gaining their followers and community as their platform grows.

The following are the solutions provided by Ideaology;

Idea: If someone has an idea, then they can submit their idea to Ideaology.

Crowdfunding: Allows developers to get funding for their project from the Ideaology pool of investors.

Find a team: Allows the project owner to find a potential team or partner for their project.

Freelancers: Project owners can look for part-timer or full-timer freelancers for their project development.

Creative Market: This is where users can sell or buy creative materials for their projects, such as code, templates, or tutorials.

In Conclusion

Today is a modern era where people are competing to create or develop something, but are often hampered by problems such as financial support, teams, and an adequate environment for their platform to survive. Ideaology is a platform that allows developers to connect with potential investors and a community that can support a platform to grow and get support from the right people. This is a platform specially built for developers so they can connect with the community, communicate, and collaborate to create a successful platform.

IDEA Token
Ideaology issued a token called IDEA token, this is an ERC-20 based utility token which will fuel the platform. The use of these tokens is very diverse, for example, to buy/sell on the marketplace, find partners, hire freelancers, etc. The following is the information from the IDEA token;

Max Supply: 500 M
Private sale: 6M IDEA
price: $ 0.05 = $ 300K
price: $ 0.07 = $ 1.4M
price: $ 0.09 = $ 17.46M


Q4 2019
Concept developement
Team forming

Q1 2020
Project Launch,
MVP Development start,
Pre0ICO and ICO Sale
Team Expansion

Q2 2020
Office & Incorporation,
Community Engagement & Rewarding Programs developement

Q3 2020
Wallet BETA and testing
IDEA Exchange listing announce

Q4 2020
Launchpad ready to use
IDEA Exchanges listings

Q1 2021
Online Academy
Technology News Site
Ideaology Auctions
Ideaology Exchange
Ico listing site

Online Academy
Technology News Site
Ideology Auctions
Ideology Exchange
Ico listing site

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Website: https://www.ideaology.io/faq

White paper: https://global-uploads.webflow.com/5eaabc1f881f9827599091f1/5ee0e8cabd151c204406628a_White%20paper%201.0%20FINAL.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/ideaologyio

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ideaology.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ideaologyio

Medium: https://medium.com/ideaology-announcements

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ideaology-io

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUZ3F0mS0NbaznKOG2v9Biw

GitHub: https://github.com/ideaologyio/idea





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